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How the Magic Happens

Product Strategy Framework

While every organisation and product concept is unique, using a repeatable framework helps ensure lessons have been learned and the best possible outcomes are achieved every time.


Define your ideal customer personas

Market Analysis

Understand the potential market size and growth rate

Customer View

Customer pain points review and how much do you solve

Customer Inertia

What is their switch cost to your product?


How often do they need your product? will they retain?

Customer Problem
Unfair Advantage

Your domain knowledge strength to solve product problem

Product Unqieness

Can competitors easily copy your product feature set

Product Pricing Strategy

What are people prepared to pay for the product?

Product Success Criteria

What OKRs have been set? MoM growth, MAU?

Product Uniqueness
Competitor Rivalry

Review competitor products and their market size

Barrier to Entry

Can new competitors easily disrupt your product / market?

Brand Power

How much brand awareness do you have?

Change & Enablement
Technical Feasibility

Can it be built and can you build it?

Go-to Market Feasibility

Do you have the capabilities to market and sell it?

Service Design

Target operating model for new product launch and support

Cultural Acceptance

Will your organisation be receptive of this level of change

Customer Journey Analysis

We will work with your team to map out your omni-channel customer journeys, identify actual and potential pain points and gaps. These pain points will be prioritised so that your customers' experiences can be incrementally improved, giving you the bottom line benefits provided by delighted customers.

Example of a great customer journey

Buying a TV

Need to Purchase

Something happens to drive the new purchase - new technology means you are missing out on something, the old set breaks...

Execution you can rely on

Many years, many initiatives and even more lessons learned. The DRIVE delivery framework has been created and has proven time and again to take the risk from delivery. It lets you decide when to invest further or move on to the next priority.

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